
All Other Things Being Equal If You've Set A Maximum Cost-per-click

Hey, iCertificationHelp Team has found the correct answer to the question All Other Things Being Equal, If You've Set A Maximum Cost–Per–Click (Max. CPC) Bid Of USD $1 For Your Ads, And If The Next Most Competitive Bid Is USD $0.50 For The Same Ad Position, What Is The Actual Amount You'd Pay For That Click? bellow is the solution to this question, and the correct answer is marked as a "Green Colour".

All Other Things Being Equal, If You've Set A Maximum Cost–Per–Click (Max. CPC) Bid Of USD $1 For Your Ads, And If The Next Most Competitive Bid Is USD $0.50 For The Same Ad Position, What Is The Actual Amount You'd Pay For That Click?

  • $1
  • $0.50
  • $1.01
  • $0.51

Correct Answer: $0.51

All Other Things Being Equal, If You've Set A Maximum Cost–Per–Click (Max. CPC) Bid Of USD $1 For Your Ads, And If The Next Most Competitive Bid Is USD $0.50 For The Same Ad Position, What Is The Actual Amount You'd Pay For That Click?

Answer Explained in Details about $0.51: If you keyword in the planner gives you no minimum bid, it implies that Google has not yet received enough searches (as per their internal criteria) to suggest a bid to you.

So when you say, you will set a minimum bid for such a keyword (whatever the figure), you will not be charged that bid amount. The Cost per Click (CPC), is always calculated basis the cpc incurred by the ad copy above you (in terms of ad position) on the SERP.

To learn more about Google Ads Fundamentals Assessment: Skillshop Display Certification

Good!! You have answered correctly with the help of the above solution mentioned, we know you find a more question answer for Google Ads Fundamentals Assessment Exam, and you are at right will provide you all your question answers as our expert team have solved all question and have published over here. Fortunately, the examination is free of charge. However, there's a time limitation. The Google Ads Fundamental Assessment consists of 100 questions using an allotment of 120 minutes to finish the examination. The further exams take just 70 questions with 90 minutes to finish the test. Once you complete the exam successfully after that, you will receive your certificate via email, and later you can use that certificate to grab the job and much more.

What is the Google Ads Fundamentals Assessment Certification Exam?

Here you can find Google Ads Fundamentals Assessment answers, and its provided by most IT professionals who are expert in Google Adwords, by participating in this exam you can earn verified certificate from official google, this is online-based exam before it cost 1$ to attend the exam but now its completely free. An important point to keep in mind is that the lowest score to pass this examination is 80%, and once the exam is started, there's no option to pause, so start your exam when you are ready for it. Best of Luck

All Other Things Being Equal If You've Set A Maximum Cost-per-click


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